
some pics part deux - more pics

the staircase down from the mausoleum of Sun Yat Sen, chapter 17. A redistribution of wealth.

it was insanely hot and i'd lost my hat and couldn't find a bottle of water to buy, there was a difficult wind i was climbing against and i stopped to help a young family up the
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people vying for the best view of a car accident in the middle of a busy road, 21. A street of tea

16. The Chang Jiang

Meang caught me resting and fighting the urge to strangle a small kitten as we battled the sightseeing crowds in the Giant Buddha's park, near Leshan, 15. Hotel on a mountain ridge

Meang working on 'Blue Steel' at the summit of Emei Shan, 15. Hotel on a mountain ridge

The summer palace, Beijing

The steps of Hau Shan (the stairs a this steep for maybe 200 metres), 9. Staircase to the gold medallion

Looking south over the Forbidden City from the top of Prospect Hill, 4. Ticking boxes.